Welcome to a special newsletter from the Public Relations staff at Washburn University. This newsletter goes out every Wednesday when classes are in session. It's designed to showcase events and story possibilities in the coming week. For more information about any of these events or story tips, contact Washburn's Public Relations Department at wurelations@washburn.edu or at 785-670-1711. |
Semester underway this week The new semester is underway and that marks the return of the Week Ahead on Wednesday. If you know someone who should be receiving this tips newsletter, just let us know and we’ll be glad to add them to the list. |
Events throughout the semester WUmester 2020: Citizenship and Suffrage 2020 marks a few important anniversaries in the history of the US: the 150th anniversary of the fifteenth amendment (gave African American men the right to vote) and the centennial anniversary of the nineteenth amendment (gave women the right to vote). This semester, we’re having a conversation about citizenship and suffrage for our WUmester initiative. Join us for speakers, art exhibits, festivals, panel discussions and more to become more civic-minded and engaged. WUmester is designed to foster a university-wide conversation on a diversity-related topic that changes each spring semester. The program includes special events, topics for classes and even entire courses built around the theme in a variety of disciplines. We’ll be highlighting individual events as they occur, but you can find a list of the events currently scheduled at: https://www.washburn.edu/academics/WUmester/WU-mester-events.html |
Friday, January 24, 2020 -- 5:00 p.m. Deadline for volunteers for Leadership Challenge Event is Friday The Leadership Challenge Event (LCE) offers high school and college students an opportunity to develop leadership skills in a unique, interactive model that simulates a real-world professional experience. The 2020 event is set to be the largest event in the LCE's 10 year history and volunteers are needed. Volunteer positions, including judges and role players, are available for a variety of time commitments on Friday, March 6. Students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to volunteer. Registration closes on Jan. 24. To learn more about volunteering and to register as a volunteer you can go to: |
Wednesday, January 29, 2020 5:00 p.m. – Rita Blitt Gallery -- Free & Open to the Public Washburn celebrates Kansas Day with a special lecture Join The Center for Kansas Studies to hear "Glyphs, Grasslands and Waterways: Special Places in Kansas and Why They're So Important," a Kansas Day lecture by Dr. Rex Buchanan. Buchanan is the director emeritus of the Kansas Geological Survey. This year's annual Kansas Day lecture is Jan. 29 at 3 p.m. in the Rita Blitt Gallery on campus. It is free and open to the public. |
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 10:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. – Memorial Union (Washburn A) Spring Bowtie Fair highlights campus activities and organizations The spring BOWTIE Fair is Feb. 5 from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Washburn A Room of the Union. Stop by to find information on campus activities, discover a student organization (or two or three...), learn more about majors and check out study abroad opportunities. Many different majors and organizations are represented at the fair |
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