Topeka, Kan. - Washburn University Debate placed first at the 2021 Missouri Mule tournament hosted by The University of Central Missouri this past weekend, Oct. 15-16. Washburn placed first in Lincoln-Douglas team sweeps — team sweeps measures the strength of a team’s depth of skill. There were 33 varsity teams and 23 junior varsity teams from 22 schools competing in the overall tournament.
Five of the ten Washburn competitors succeeded to elimination rounds at the tournament. In the varsity division, Carlos Cedillo-Silva finished as an octafinalist (Sweet 16). Daniel Archer finished as a quarter finalist (Elite 8) and Zach Wallentine finished as a semi-finalist (Final Four). In the Junior Varsity division, Jacob Bailes finished as a semifinalist (Final Four) and Hunter Squires finished as a runner-up finalist.
Washburn Debate has already qualified eight students to compete at nationals this year.
All Washburn University students who competed this weekend are as follows:
- Zach Wallentine (Senior)
- Jenna Gorton (Junior)
- Carlos Cedillo-Silva(Junior)
- Daniel Archer (Sophomore)
- Andrew Rea (Freshman)
- Cade Blenden (Freshman)
Junior Varsity
- Madison Suggs (Sophomore)
- Logan Michael (Sophomore)
- Jacob Bailes (Freshman)
- Hunter Squires (Freshman)
Linclon-Douglas, or LD, debate is a debate format that follows the basic time schedule 6 - 3 - 7 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 3. Each debater gets thirteen minutes of total speaking time, and three minutes of question time. The rounds take approximately 45 minutes in total. Each debater receives four to five minutes of preparation time to use between speeches however they like.
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For further information, contact:
Joy Bailes
Assistant Director of Public Relations
Office: 785-670-2153
Cell: 785-230-1648
Email: joy.bailes@washburn.edu