Topeka, Kan. – “Many authors have traveled and explored the out-of-doors, both in life and then in their books, proving themselves stalwart, audacious, even heroic; Farkas is not among them. He is brave enough to admit that the outdoors isn’t for him,” according to the University of Nebraska Press. Dr. Andrew Farkas’ book, “The Great Indoorsman: Essays,” which will be available March 1 from the University of Nebraska Press, instead focuses on the indoors.
Farkas is an assistant professor of English for Washburn University, focusing on creative writing and fiction. He uses his writing talents to explore the influences of the inside on our lives. “In these essays, Farkas reports on his bold explorations of a very different territory: the in-of-doors, the waiting rooms, kitchens, malls, bars, theaters, roadside motel rooms, and other places that feature temperature control, protection from rampaging predators, and a higher degree of comfort than can be found outside,” according to the University of Nebraska Press.
“Farkas discovers that, just as the mannered and wonderfully (gloriously) artificial indoors influences us greatly, our lives are also controlled much more by fiction than by anything ‘real.’ So come in out of the weather (it’s always terrible) and join the Great Indoorsman on his adventures, where he makes fun of pretty much everything, most of all himself.”
In the United States and Canada, the book can be ordered at nebraskapress.unl.edu, and it will be available at the Ichabod Shop on the Washburn University Campus in Topeka, Kan. and The Raven in Lawrence, Kan. It will also be available on audiobook from Blackstone.
This is Farkas’ fourth book. He is the author of a novel, “The Big Red Herring,” and two collections of short fiction: “Self-Titled Debut” and “Sunsphere.” His work has appeared in The Iowa Review, North American Review, The Cincinnati Review and elsewhere. He has been nominated six times for a Pushcart Prize, with one Special Mention in Pushcart Prize XXXV and one Notable Essay in “Best American Essays 2013.” His novel was a finalist for the 2019 Big Other Fiction Award, a finalist for the 2019 Foreword INDIES humor award, and was on the Entropy Magazine Best Fiction Books of 2019 list. He is also the fiction editor for “The Rupture.” Farkas has been teaching at Washburn University since 2017.
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For further information, contact:Joy Bailes
Assistant Director of Public Relations
Telephone: (785) 670-2153
Cell: (785) 230-1648
Email: joy.bailes@washburn.edu