Topeka, Kan. – Lines of antique and unique rides will ignite the passion of car buffs at Washburn Tech’s Car Show from 9 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. on Friday, May 6. The annual event on the Washburn Tech campus at 5724 SW Huntoon is a fundraiser for students who need some extra help in completing their career program.
Vehicle entries will be divided into five classes: custom/low riders, antique cars and trucks, muscle cars, motorcycles and special interest. The entry fee is $20 prior to the event or $25 on the day of the show. Registration forms are available in the main office on the Washburn Tech campus and at www.washburntech.edu. Each entrant will receive a free breakfast along with a dash plaque.
Additional attractions include food trucks, a live band, a silent auction, bake sale and games. The event is free and open to the public.
All proceeds benefit Care Closet, a committee that provides short-term financial assistance to Washburn Tech students who need help to complete their education. Aid can take the form of gas money, bus fare or a bag of groceries.
Lori Hutchinson