Topeka, Kan. - The Mulvane Art Museum at Washburn University will host a gallery talk by guest curator Matthew Willie Garcia Thursday, Feb. 16. Garcia will discuss the current exhibition "Clear Water: Encountering Mokuhanga," which explores the important role that water plays in Japanese woodblock printing (mokuhanga). This event is free and the public is welcome.
What: Gallery Talk with guest curator Matthew Willie Garcia
When: 12 – 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16
Where: Mulvane Art Museum on the Washburn University campus
Details: “Clear Water: Encountering Mokuhanga” draws from the Mulvane's rich collection of Japanese woodblock prints (“mokuhanga”), which the museum received in 1968 as a gift from Robert Whitcomb. This exhibition was curated by Garcia, an innovative multimedia printmaker based in Lawrence, Kan. and Kansas City, Mo. His selections highlight the engaging techniques and history of “mokuhanga.” The exhibition also explores the integral role that water plays in the medium. The traditions, culture and ecology of Japan have a rich relationship with water that is exemplified by “mokuhanga.” From the growing of trees for woodblocks, to the making and soaking of paper, to the mixing of pigments, to depictions of seascapes and crashing waves, water permeates every aspect of “mokuhanga.”
The Mulvane Art Museum is open 12 – 7 p.m. Tuesdays; 12 – 5 p.m. Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; and 12 – 4 p.m. Saturdays. The ArtLab is temporarily closed to the public. For more information, visit the Mulvane Art Museum website at mulvaneartmuseum.org or call 785-670-1124.
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