Topeka, Kan. – It’s a Greek Thing Step Show and Topeka’s Got Talent, hosted by Washburn University, have been cancelled due to lack of contestant entries.
It’s a Greek Thing Step Show is an event that allows Washburn fraternities and sororities to show their dance skills for the chance to win a cash prize. The show was scheduled April 15.
Topeka’s Got Talent Live Auditions were April 15 and the Live Show April 29.
“It was a difficult decision to cancel the events, but without enough contestants the shows can’t reach their full potential,” said Isaiah Collier, director of student involvement and development at Washburn University. “It is our hope to bring the Step Show and Topeka’s Got Talent back to Washburn University next year to give the community another opportunity to display their talent.”
People who purchased a ticket for the Topeka’s Got Talent events or paid a vendor’s fee should contact the Washburn Office of Student Involvement and Development at student.involvement@washburn.edu or call (785) 670-1723 for a full refund.
For further information, contact:Ellie Walker
Public Relations Specialist
Office: 785-670-2154
Cell: 785-224-7921
Email: ellie.walker@washburn.edu