Topeka, Kan. - Gordon Smith, a Washburn University student, will give the presentation “Purpose Inspired by Pain” about addiction and recovery April 18 as part of WUmester, a semester-long initiative at Washburn that is focused on health and healing. This event is free and open to the public.
When: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Tuesday, April 18
Where: Kansas Room in the Memorial Union on the Washburn University campus
Details: Smith is a Washburn University student earning his master’s in family and human services to become a licensed addiction counselor. He currently works for Heartland Regional Drug and Alcohol Center as a substance abuse program care coordinator with the Topeka Correctional Facility. Smith will share his journey through addiction, incarceration and the darkest parts of his life to long-term recovery and discovery of a new purpose.
For further information, contact:Ellie Walker
Public Relations Specialist
Office: 785-670-2154
Cell: 785-224-7921
Email: ellie.walker@washburn.edu