Topeka, Kan. – Washburn will offer a variety of summer camps for children with a wide variety of interests. The camps range from athletics to science, and take place at various times during the summer.
Be an Ichabod on the court or the field. A variety of camps are offered for students in elementary, middle and high school. Camps are available for both individuals and entire teams. The cost and schedule vary for each camp. Both day and sleep-away options are available. For specific details, visit https://wusports.com/sports/2010/1/5/10summercamps.aspx
Career Exploration
Washburn University Institute of Technology (Washburn Tech) offers a summer camp for students grades 7 through 10. Students in grades 7 and 8 will attend the camp June 5-8 and students in grades 9 and 10 will attend June 12-15. What better place to explore careers in construction, health care, human services, technology and transportation than at Washburn Tech? In the same environment as the students in their certificate programs, your child will receive hands-on instruction in a variety of areas. A career summer camp can help them discover a passion and lead to pursuing that program in high school. The June 5-8 slot for middle school students is full, but there are still openings for high school students in the June 12-15 slot. Visit https://www.washburntech.edu/student-life/campus-events.html for more information.
Washburn University's department of music offers summer opportunities for students to practice and perform.
Learn more about all music camps here: https://www.washburn.edu/academics/college-schools/arts-sciences/departments/music/camps-workshops.html
Coleman Hawkins Summer Jazz Camp
Jazz musicians in grades 7-12 are invited to participate in the Coleman Hawkins Summer Jazz Camp June 4-9. The jazz camp will focus on improvisation, small group performance, jazz theory and many other related skills. In addition, the camp includes jazz history, faculty performances, jazz combos, student jam sessions, master classes and artist lectures. Camp participants have the option to stay on campus.
Northeast Kansas Total Percussion Camp
All percussionists entering grades 5-12 are welcome to participate in this five-day camp July 11-15. Participants live on campus and can request a roommate they know. Ensembles, classes and specialized clinics and concerts are all part of the experience. Parents are invited on the final day of camp to join the students for a picnic dinner and concert featuring the various ensembles from the week.
Washburn Summer Keyboard Academy
Join Washburn University faculty and guest artists for Washburn Summer Keyboard Academy (WSKA) July 24-28. WSKA is a camp that focuses on the study and performance of piano and organ. Students entering grades 6-12 are eligible to participate, and must have taken at least two years of consecutive private lessons and must be able to read music. Along with daily lessons on piano and/or organ, students will learn from keyboard workshops, join in recreational outdoor activities, take classes in literature and music theory, play in performance classes, have designated practice time, play in sight-reading get-togethers, enjoy socializing and game-time with other young musicians, listen to faculty performances and perform a gala concert in White Concert Hall!
For students entering grades 7 and 8, the Washburn University education department offers a great opportunity to learn more about the practical application of science in transportation. Students can choose between attending science technology engineering math (STEM) camp July 10-14 or July 17-21. Learn more about the transportation science camp here: https://www.washburn.edu/academics/college-schools/applied-studies/departments/education/_files/STEM-camp-application.pdf
For further information, contact:Ellie Walker
Public Relations Specialist
Office: 785-670-2154
Cell: 785-224-7921
Email: ellie.walker@washburn.edu