Topeka, Kan. – The Washburn University Summer Transportation STEM camps return for 2023. The first session for 7th and 8th grade students focusing on STEM - science, technology, engineering and math - is July 10 – 14 and the second session is July 17 - 21. Students stay on campus for each session of the one-week camp and participate in daily hands-on activities. Participants must have previously registered.
The Kansas Department of Transportation funds the camp through a grant. One of their goals is to encourage students to learn about the application of STEM in transportation and other careers.
Washburn’s department of education is running the camp and Washburn University students are acting as counselors. Washburn University faculty teach each of the activities and oversee the experiments.
VISUALS: There are several opportunities to see the students working on projects. Here are some of the best visual opportunities (the schedule is the same for both camp sessions). An optimal opportunity to get an idea of this camp and see these students in action is the 3:30 p.m. Friday Student Showcase.
Monday (July 10/July 17)
- 9:45 a.m., Solar Cars - Carnegie Hall, room 200 and outside
- 12:30 p.m., CAD Bubble Wands – Deay Lab and Carnegie Hall, room 200
- 4 p.m., Beetle Bike Helmets – Deay Lab and Carnegie Hall, room 200
Tuesday, (July 11/July 18)
- 9 a.m., KDOT presentation on bridges and building popsicle bridges – Carnegie Hall, room 200
- 1 p.m., Visit Washburn Tech
Wednesday (July 12/July 19)
- 9 a.m., Test and redesign Bubble Wands - Carnegie Hall, room 200
- 1 p.m., Drones – Carnegie Hall, room 200 and Deay Lab
Thursday (July 13/July 20)
- 9 a.m., KDOT materials lab – Carnegie Hall, room 200
- 1 p.m., Gilligan’s Island (Sphero) and Robot Olympics (Dash) – Deay Lab and Carnegie Hall, room 200
Friday (July 14/July 21)
- 8:45 a.m., Test popsicle bridges – Carnegie Hall, room 200
- 1 p.m., Final bubble test, giant bubbles and jitter bugs – outside
- 3:30 p.m., Student showcase – Washburn Room A in the Memorial Union
- 30 -
For further information, contact:Lori Hutchinson
Interim Director of Public Relations
Office: 785-670-1711
Cell: 785-224-6212
Email: lori.hutchinson@washburn.edu