Topeka, Kan. – The Washburn University debate team continued to achieve success this season in the “Big Tent” online tournament Dec. 2 -3 hosted by Missouri State University. In the open division, Jacob Bailes (junior) was crowned the top open speaker of the tournament based on his performance in preliminary rounds and was the tournament runner-up, losing in the championship round on a 2-1 decision. Braxton Kindel (sophomore) was recognized as the fourth overall speaker of the tournament in the open division.
In the junior varsity division, Wendo Kimori (freshman) and Jyaira Ware (freshman) both ended up as quarterfinalists (Elite Eight). Wendo was also recognized as the second overall speaker in junior varsity.
In the novice division, Lauren Province (sophomore), a student in CN 343 for the B.Ed. speech and theatre program, ended up as a semifinalist (Final Four). Province was also crowned the top novice speaker of the tournament based on her performance in preliminary rounds.
Maddox Misak (freshman), Alfonso Rascon (freshman), Hunter Squires (junior) and Carla Torres (senior) also competed in this tournament. Washburn debate teammates Daniel Archer (senior), Cade Blenden (junior), Logan Michael (senior), Andrew Rea (junior), as well as current graduate student in Washburn’s master’s communication and leadership program, Jenna Gorton, joined in the coaching duties for the weekend.
“This tournament caps off our fall semester where we had debaters place in the Final Four in every tournament we entered,” said Dr. Kevin O’Leary, director of debate and senior lecturer for communication studies for Washburn University. “We’re really excited about how we see each debater developing their individual skills and how the team is working together as we head into the spring season.”
Joining Washburn at the “Big Tent” tournament were Central Michigan University, Florida State University, Illinois College, Illinois State University, John A. Logan College, Kansas City Kansas Community College, Lewis & Clark College, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Pennsylvania State University, The University of Texas at Tyler, Tulsa Community College and Western Kentucky.
O’Leary and Steve Doubledee, assistant director of debate and senior lecturer for communication studies for Washburn University, are the debate coaches for Washburn University. The Washburn University debate program focuses on Lincoln-Douglas, or LD, debate format. LD is a debate format that follows the basic time schedule 6 - 3 - 7 - 3 - 4 - 6 - 3. Each debater gets 13 minutes of total speaking time, and three minutes of question time. The rounds take approximately 45 minutes in total. Each debater receives four to five minutes of preparation time to use between speeches however they like.
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For further information, contact:Joy Bailes
Director of Internal Communications and Brand Management
Office: 785-670-2153
Cell: 785-230-1648
Email: joy.bailes@washburn.edu